Campus de l'Université de Liège au Sart Tilman

Collaborator of architect Claude Strebelle, december 1979

The access to the Sart Tilman campus from the highway is for the university authotities a double problem :
- Lack of definition : the automobilist penetrates the campus without realizing, and could go far before being able to find his way. There should be a symbolic entrance, with devices for orientation and information;
- Dangerous circulation : there is a three ways crossing which prevents the clear perception of the hierarchy of priorities; the result is a lot of collission.
Our proposal integrates in a coherent system the different modes of circulation : local and transit cars, cyclists, walkers.

The shape given to the fast vehicular network is a chain of one-way loops. One of those is a roundabout which, beiing perceived at a glance, may be seen as the place of entrance. Even before the communications with road signs or sculptures, the road language is the expression of space.

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